Quiz Night - 21st March 2025 - Six rounds including: Current Affairs, Science and Nature, Big Business, Ast, Connections and a Mixed Bag/General Knowledge round.
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Our most popular weekly quiz pack quiz night is a quiz that will last around 90 minutes. - ideal for a pub quiz, club or social event
This week's quiz contains the following rounds:
- Current Affairs - From the first Grand Prix of the season to the 2025 Carabao Cup final Current Affairs CA1555
- Science and Nature- In this round every question is about 'Science and Nature'
- Big Business- In this round, name the worldwide corporate headquarters of the following companies
- Ast In this round every answer contains the word 'Ast'
- Connections - In this round, what is the connection between all, or part of each answer?
- General Knowledge - Our ever popular 'Wipeout Round': if teams get all 10 right they get 5 bonus points, but any wrong and they are 'wiped out' and receive nothing. Time to gamble or just play it safe!
Please Note: This quiz is instantly downloadable after you have paid - you will also receive a further email with the link to your quiz and a receipt for your order