Easter Handout Quiz 1
Easter Handout Quiz 1 - EASTHO1
This is a mix of Easter themed questions, pictures and teasers ideal for a fun quiz night or to be used as part of a hotel, office or pub quiz on, or around Easter
This quiz features the following rounds.
Round 1 - Easter Mixed Bag - 5 questions related to Easter
Round 2 - Easter Eggheads - Name the faces in the eggs from the pictures
Round 3 - Famous Bunnies - Name these famous bunnies from the pictures
Round 4 - We Asked 100 People - 2 Family Fortunes style questions - Name the top 5 answers in each
Round 5 - Egg Words - Every answer contains the word egg
Total marks possible - 35
This quiz is instantly downloadable from your receipt - alternatively, sign into your account and view My Downloadable Products
This is a two-page document and each page is downloaded separately - send the picture page to quiz players or print out and distribute - the second page is for the quizmaster and is the answersTo view our guide to social distance during quizzes or running quizzes on Zoom etc. click here