Father's Day Handout Quiz
Father's Day Handout Quiz 1 - HOFAT
This is a mix of Father's Day themed questions, pictures and teasers ideal for a fun quiz night or to be used as part of a hotel, office or pub quiz on, or around Father's Day
This quiz features the following rounds.
Father's Day teasers - 5 questions about Fathers
Name The Sons - 5 Picture Round - Male celebrities with their famous fathers
Name The Daughters - 5 Picture Round - Female celebrities with their famous fathers
We Asked 100 People - A Family Fortunes Style quiz
Name 10 - Who recorded these Father themed songs?
Total marks possible - 35
This quiz is instantly downloadable from your receipt - alternatively, sign into your account and view My Downloadable Products
This is a two-page document and each page is downloaded separately - send the picture page to quiz players or print out and distribute - the second page is for the quizmaster and is the answersTo view our guide to social distance during quizzes or running quizzes on Zoom etc. click here
To purchase this quiz by post (15 colour copies for £7), click here and request the Fathers Day Handout Quiz